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Vladimir Olifer

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Dec. 30, 2024





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Evo all, Mazda 3, Thar maz1

The first unit was a fiasco. I decided to try with another, new fortin evo all, when programming keys at step 13 the red diode lights up. The firmware is the latest.


Reset the programmed keys

Please tell me how to reset the programmed keys so that I can reprogram them?


Please reset device, I have reached my Dcryptor limit


Fortin reset, key programming.

I made a mistake programming the keys again. How can I reset the unit and start over? I reset it and flashed it to version 71.47 but it didn't work. Dear derek g, please help me one last time. Reset my device S/N 001A07 026326 and key programming. Thanks


Autostart does not work, Mazda 3, 2018, auto

My fight continues, I hope I win Initially I programmed the keys incorrectly and had to do everything again, I reset and flashed to version 71.47, I successfully programmed according to instructions 62681, I did everything step by step and everything went well, but when I press the car lock button three times to start the engine, the red then yellow indicator lights up, the unit clicks a couple of times and that's it, the engine does not start. EVO-ALL, Thar Maz1. It reacts to locking and unlocking and the blue indicator lights up. Please help me figure this out.


Please reset device, I have reached my Dcryptor limit


Mazda 3, 2018 step 13, solid blue light

I have EVO-ALL and T-HARNESS Maz1 at step 13 the blue indicator is constantly on, there is no reaction to the key, does not change color to yellow Mazda 3, 2018, automatic


Mazda 3, 2018

The unit does not read the key, when the ignition is turned on nothing happens, the blue indicator continues to light Mazda 3, BN, 2018


2018 Mazda 3 Automatic - Ignition comes ON but does not flash Yellow and Red (Step 13)

Hi Fortin Q/A forum. Installing a EVO-MAZT1 which I first connected to Fortin FlashLink Manager to upload the latest firmware (suggested 85.10) on Hardware 7.0. Loaded Suggested Options, then went to the car to perform Programming. Programming Steps 1-12 go as planned, but when the ignition turns ON and OFF by the module, the Yellow and Red LEDs do not flash as indicated in the guide. I disconnected the module as indicated by the instruction manual (disconnect all connectors, saving the 4-Pin Data connector for last) and then connected it back up to FlashLink Manager to run DCryptor. DCryptor says INVALID KEY DATA and "The immobilizer data received by the bypass module is incomplete. Please try again. If this error persists reconnect the module to the vehicle and start programming procedure from STEP 1." Via the troubleshooting guides, I removed the batteries from the key fobs and tried again. Verified connection to the data key wire was correct (Car's Red wire to bypass' Light Blue and Black wire) and secure (shaved insulation, wire inserted through conductors, wire wrapped, soldered, and taped). Door lock actions can be seen on the bypass/remote start module as indicated by the Blue LED. I'm confident those wires are connected correctly and securly as well. I tried all of the above with and without the front fuse box ground to Pin 11. Someone please explain what that does, but the manual did not indicate if it was mandatory or optional so I tried both ways. In the end, I can't get DCryptor to program the module with the learning received during programming. I fear it has to do with the Yellow and Red LEDs not flashing. Help would be appreciated. Thanks!

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